Monday, February 20, 2017

Not My President's Day: Trump is A Disaster

Trump is a tremendous disaster and embarrassment to America.                           He is provoking laughter at our nation's expense. The PM of Sweden asked, "What is he smoking?"
 If he won't resign he should be impeached.

It is painful to imagine a full four years of Donald Trump as president of the United States. He has created chaos, divided us, coarsened our public discourse, stigmatized the most vulnerable among us, surrounded himself with people who are manifestly unfit for public service, appointed cabinet members who are hostile to the very departments they have been selected to lead, and lied his head off.

But none of this is going to cost him his job, at least not until the next election. The only way we are going to free ourselves of Trump, without having to endure four more years of his presidency, is to impeach him.

The grounds for impeachment are set out in eight words in the Constitution: “Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Despite the elegant simplicity of those eight words, entire books have been written about their meaning. The meaning of “high crimes and misdemeanors” has been subjected to a dazzling variety of interpretations. The Woody Allen movie of that name, alas, didn’t clear it up. But it was a good movie anyway.

Only two presidents in our history have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, and both remained in office after they were acquitted by the Senate. Richard Nixon got out of Dodge before the House voted on the Articles of Impeachment recommended by the Judiciary Committee.

Trump’s support from Congressional Republicans is a mile wide and an inch deep. If they turn on him, they can and will impeach him.
So far, Trump may not have done anything, at least not anything we know about, that rises to the level of impeachment. But don’t underestimate him. He can do it!

Four paths to impeachment look promising to me. You may have your own favorites, but here are mine:

The Russia Connection

We know for certain that Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election to facilitate the election of Donald Trump. Some of their actions were clearly criminal. Hacking the DNC, for instance, was a crime.

We also know that during his campaign, Trump publicly encouraged Russia to hack the DNC, and expressed delight when the stolen emails were made public. This alone is probably not enough to implicate Trump in a crime, but it is close. If the various congressional and law enforcement investigations surrounding the Russian theft of the DNC emails turn up evidence that Trump, or surrogates acting under his instructions, secretly colluded with the Russians on this, it would not be a stretch to deem this a “high crime or misdemeanor.”

The Russian connection could also implicate Trump in criminal activity if it turns out that, prior to assuming the presidency, he instructed Michael Flynn to interfere with the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions on the Russians in retaliation for their interference with the election.

This would be, on its face, a violation of the ancient, much-maligned Logan Act. The Logan Act makes it a felony for any citizen “without authority of the United States,” from carrying on “any correspondence or intercourse” with any foreign government with the intent to “influence the measures or conduct” of that government in relation to “any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States.”

That’s a mouthful, but it’s not impossible to get through it. Flynn was certainly a “citizen” acting “without authority of the United States” when he had his pre-inauguration talks with the Russian ambassador. The talks were certainly a form of “correspondence or intercourse.” If Flynn was telling the Russians not to worry too much about the Obama sanctions, and not to overreact because incoming President Trump would make it all better, then he was clearly attempting to “influence the conduct” of Russia in relation to a “dispute or controversy” with the United States.

Critics of the Logan Act correctly point out that criminal charges have been brought under it only once in our history, in 1803. But it was amended by Congress as recently as 1994, so it is hardly a lifeless, ancient relic. And remember, we’re not talking here about a criminal case for violation of the Logan Act. We’re talking about an impeachment proceeding.

There’s a difference. In the Clinton impeachment, for instance, the Articles of Impeachment approved by the House of Representatives didn’t even cite specific criminal statutes. Rather, the Articles cited Clinton’s alleged crimes (as well as other conduct that arguably broke no criminal laws) only as “predicate acts” to the charge that he had violated his constitutional oath and duties as president.

Enough law school. The bottom line is that if it turns out that Trump was (1) complicit in Russia’s interference in the election, or (2) an active participant in Flynn’s arguably criminal communications with the Russians, there’s enough for a motivated Congress to write a credible Article of Impeachment.

And don’t forget the wild card in the Russia connection, the notorious “dossier” compiled by Christopher Steele, a retired British intelligence officer. The dossier, which dominated the news a month ago, contained shocking but unsubstantiated allegations that Russia had taken steps to compromise Trump by blackmailing him with sex tapes, bribery, and complicity in Russia’s stealing and leaking of emails and other documents.

The author of the dossier has now gone to ground, and the story has gone into hibernation for lack of corroboration. But as the lawyers say, “the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” Meaning that merely because something has not been proved by evidence doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

This story is still out there. It may be dormant, but it’s not dead.

If even a fraction of the allegations in the Russia dossier prove to be true, Trump will have the impeachment hounds barking at his door.

Refusal to Obey a Court Order

Trump’s contempt for the Judiciary has been on full display in his reaction to court rulings on his travel ban:

He has questioned the very legitimacy of the judiciary by calling federal judges with lifetime tenure under the Constitution “so-called” judges.

The lawyers representing him in court have denied the authority of federal courts to review his executive orders for constitutionality, something a unanimous three-judge Court of Appeals branded as “contrary to the fundamental structure of our constitutional democracy.”

He sent out his baby advisor Stephen Miller to proclaim, with alarming fascist undertones, that “the whole world will soon see” that Donald Trump’s actions “will not be questioned.”

Trump hasn’t personally defied or been caught instructing others to defy any court orders. Yet. But it doesn’t take much imagination to suspect that, one of these days, maybe soon, he will. Especially with the toxic boy-wonder Miller pouring poison in his ear.

Disobeying a court order could ignite a war between the Executive and the Judiciary, a full-blown constitutional crisis. That would most likely trigger impeachment proceedings.

Corrupt Business Entanglements

Although Trump has disavowed active management of his business interests, he has not divested them. That means he still owns them, and still stands to profit from their success.

Trump and his apologists make the nonsensical argument that a president “can’t have conflicts of interest.” Rubbish. Of course a president can have conflicts of interest.

What they are really trying to say is that the president, even if he has blatant conflicts of interest, is nevertheless exempted from a single federal statute that prohibits executive branch employees from participating in matters in which they have a financial interest. Well, bully for him.

Being exempted from one federal statute doesn’t mean the president is exempted from all laws implicating conflicts of interest. Hopefully the quaint Nixonian concept that “If the president does it, it’s not illegal” has been laughed out of serious consideration.

Being exempted from one federal statute doesn’t mean the president is exempted from all laws implicating conflicts of interest.
Laws that a president is not exempted from include bribery and the Emoluments clause of the United States Constitution.

Bribery is pretty much self-explanatory. A bribe is money or some other favor given or promised to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust. Say, a president.

A president has enormous power to make decisions that can profoundly impact businesses all over the world. If the president also owns businesses all over the world, and stands to profit from their success, he has the power to shape policy in ways that lines his own pockets. If he does that pursuant to an understanding, even a tacit one, that he will exchange a policy favor for a financial advantage – in other words, a quid pro quo – he is accepting a bribe.

It is not easy to prove a quid pro quo, but it is not impossible. Judicial decisions, civil and criminal, are made every day by determining a person’s intent. Evidence of intent to engage in a quid pro quo might include a sudden change in a long-held policy decision which happens to be financially rewarding to the person who makes the change. Since Trump doesn’t seem to have any long-held positions, this could be particularly difficult in his case. But there are other ways to get there, and again, don’t underestimate him.

The Emoluments Clause of the United States Constitution is a different animal. That somewhat arcane constitutional provision has been animated, after centuries of slumber, by Donald Trump himself. Its rebirth is one of Trump’s many gifts to our public discourse.

The Emoluments Clause says that no person holding office (including the office of president) can accept “any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

OK, for those of you who prefer plain English, it means that the president can’t accept gifts from foreign powers.

The Emoluments Clause is narrower than the bribery laws and, at the same time, it is easier to prove. It is narrower because it applies only to gifts from foreign powers, not from private individuals or domestic sources. It is easier to prove because it doesn’t require a quid pro quo.

The relevant provisions of the Clause were designed to insulate American ambassadors from being corrupted by gifts from their foreign hosts. It prohibits receiving anything of value from a foreign power. It does not require that anything be given in return.

It is unclear whether Trump has violated the Emoluments Clause, but the potential is certainly there. A federal lawsuit has already been filed claiming that it is a violation of the Clause when a Trump-owned hotel rents out space to a foreign embassy, among other things. That may sound like small potatoes, but with all of Trump’s holdings, other instances will arise.

And it is interesting to note that one of the major obstacles to any lawsuit claiming violation of the Emoluments Clause, the ability of a private plaintiff to convince the court that it has “standing” to assert the claim, vanishes in an impeachment proceeding. Certainly Congress, the branch of our government charged by the Constitution with the responsibility for policing unlawful conduct by a president, has standing to assert a breach of the Constitution by a president.

Of course, much more would be known about Trump’s financial dealings and entanglements if we could see his tax returns. Trump is not going to release them voluntarily, but disclosure could be compelled by Congress, or they could be leaked by somebody who already has them.

Perjury and Other Forms of Lying

If Donald Trump does anything consistently well, it’s lying. But if lying to the American people could get a president impeached, he’d be gone already.

Perjury, however, will get the job done. The trick will be to get Trump to lie under oath. The way to do that is simply to get him under oath. He’ll do the rest.

To be sure, it won’t be easy to get Trump under oath. That would likely require him to testify as a witness or a defendant in a lawsuit. Or to testify under oath before a Congressional committee. While there are lots of ways a president can dodge testifying under oath, sometimes it can’t be avoided. Ask Bill Clinton.

Keep in mind, though, that committing perjury under oath is not the only way to commit a crime by lying. Fraud, for instance, is a form of lying that can trigger criminal proceedings in the absence of an oath. So is lying to Congress. So is lying to the FBI. So is encouraging a witness to give false testimony.

President Clinton’s impeachment, for instance, was based not only on the allegation that he perjured himself to the Ken Starr grand jury and in the Paula Jones civil case, but also that he encouraged witnesses to give false testimony, gave job assistance to a potential witness, and “corruptly allowed” his attorney to make false statements during a deposition.

Given Trump’s penchant for lying, it’s not hard to imagine that this could be a path to impeachment. And the subject matter of his lies is bound to be far more serious than the subject matter of Clinton’s alleged lies.

Nobody can predict what might end Trump’s presidency. If he becomes malignant enough, the American body politic will reject him. Congress will follow suit if members come to believe that Trump is infecting them too.

Trump’s support from Congressional Republicans is a mile wide and an inch deep. If they turn on him, they can and will impeach him, even if the legal case is relatively weak. If they don’t, they won’t vote to impeach him even if the case is strong. That’s how it works.

At the end of the day, grounds for impeachment is pretty much whatever Congress says it is. If Congress wants to get there, the paths are open.

Philip Rotner

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Trump is a Big, Fat, Stupid Liar

Older Republicans never understood that the only liar able to get away with lies over the long term is the liar with no beliefs at all — for that liar doesn’t have to lie to himself.

There is no doubt that trump is a pathological liar.
His childhood was spent in a cocoon where his nannies and other staff of his Father lied to him by not ever letting him know that far from being exceptional, he was simply an unremarkable youngster who was lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family.
Now that the media is exposing him for what he is: Not very smart, extremely dishonest, and basically simple minded, he turns on the media for showing the emperor's clothes.
He began life as a millionaire, sponging off of his father, and never really figured out why people don't like him.

Lies don’t generally work over the long term. Sometimes they seem to, setting up a belief that the lie is a useful strategy. The “Southern strategy,” the Republican Party’s 50-year campaign of appealing to racial bias, provides a good example. While claiming their success based on the Southern strategy was due instead to their economic policies, conservatives created a belief within the party that the lie can be an effective and sustaining weapon of political battle.

Though apparent to the likes of journalist David Horowitz as early as the 1970s (before he moved from the far left to the far right, admittedly), this strategy began to trickle down widely to Republican apparatchiks in the 1990s, influenced heavily by the success of the late Lee Atwater. That 1980s master of the political lie influenced Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge, then Fox News and Ann Coulter (and so many, many more), who began to see how the strategy of the lie could be made to work — for their own personal benefit, and also for their movement.

The political-lie strategy needs two prongs. First is the lie itself. Second is the concurrent painting of the target as a liar. The most obvious contemporary example is Donald Trump’s attacks on Hillary Clinton, preempting any of her attempts to bring attention to his own much more frequent lies. (Look at the fact-checking of their debates.) Similarly, Trump uses Bill Clinton’s sexual scandals to deflect attention from his own. Not only do these take advantage of the “both sides do it” false equivalency the contemporary news media has such a hard time shedding, but they box in the opponent. The Clintons have been subject to this strategy for 30 years. In fact, much of the hatred toward Hillary today comes not from anything she has done but from the campaign of lies against her that depend on calling her the liar. No matter how often she is shown not to have lied about the Benghazi attacks, the incident is thrown up as an example of her lies almost any time a lie by Trump is exposed.

Attacks on Clinton claiming that she hasn’t accomplished much over her decades in the public eye are examples not only of the second prong, but of Trump’s recognition of the economic malaise felt by so many Americans. Yet it’s the conservatives who have effectively accomplished nothing. Their influence on national policy (especially economic policy) has dominated politics for half a century. Many of those feeling the most downward economic pressure blame the “free trade” policies long championed by economic conservatives. As a result, the fissure widens between Trump, who lies about the impact of trade policies to stir the anger of many Americans, and the older Republican establishment.

It is their unwillingness to face the lies, particularly the Southern strategy (which Ann Coulter denies ever existed), coupled with the short-term nature of this political “philosophy,” that is causing the Republican Party to fall apart today. Many of those who have profited by the success of the Southern strategy lie — again, I mean the argument that economics, not race, is behind conservative electoral success — have been lying to themselves, coming to believe that there is widespread support for their right-leaning ideology.But there is not. Trump’s isolationism, at odds with Republican thinking for decades, makes that point dramatically.

Many Republicans yearned to believe that their success was a result of the stirring vision of Ronald Reagan and the economic policies long at the heart of conservative laissez-faire beliefs. They turned a blind eye to the devastation felt by much of the American middle class as they, and those around them, got richer and richer. West Virginia is nearing catastrophe; today, the population there, still believing many of the right-wing lies, is embracing the “change” advocated by Trump (though what that change would be is anyone’s guess) precisely because of the lies they’ve been fed. They blame all those in power, Republican and Democrat alike.

Old-style conservatives like George Will and David Brooks long assumed that even if the right-wing ascendancy was partly due to racial animosity, a great deal of their political (and personal) success reflected widespread agreement concerning economics. Rejecting the racist aspect of their movement, they felt that the rest was strong enough for their survival. Trump has inform

Older Republicans never understood that the only liar able to get away with lies over the long term is the liar with no beliefs at all — for that liar doesn’t have to lie to himself. The pundits and politicians who went along with the Southern strategy for so long, yet refused to see it for what it was, are now reaping their reward as the lied-to Republican base turns to Trump, a complete and “honest” liar. Paul Ryan, John McCain, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have benefited from lies in their own political careers, but none of them, I think, has been willing to admit to themselves that appeals to racism and racial hatred have helped them. That has left them vulnerable not only to Trump but to people like Alex Jones, who claims to have been told, for example, that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton smell of sulfur and are, in fact, demons. That this sort of nonsense can even be expressed in a forum prominent enough to come to the attention of the president should outrage us all. Yet we have become so inured to junk lies that we just shrug and move on. We’ve been hearing slightly less toxic lies from Rush Limbaugh, after all, for more than two decades.

Liars, like viruses, don’t stop. They evolve to evade each antibody. If we don’t start paying attention to that, our republic is doomed. It will die, not the lie.